⛑️ Ατομικές δοκιμές (unit tests) & επιδόσεις (performance)

Ατομικές δοκιμές (Unit tests)

Η σουίτα λογισμικού του Bluechain SSI συνοδεύεται από μια πλειάδα unit tests για να επιτυγχάνεται η διαρκής ορθότητα του κώδικα. Σκοπός των unit tests είναι οι βασικές λειτουργίες του συστήματος να συνεχίζουν να λειτουργούν ορθά και με τον ίδιο τρόπο, καθ'όσο αυτό αναπτύσσεται και επεκτείνεται πέραν της έκδοσης 0.3.0 (όπου βρισκόμαστε τώρα).

Συμπεριλαμβάνουμε 4 unit tests (μορφής it()) σε μορφή Javascript Promise. Καθένα από αυτά, έχει φτιαχτεί για να ελέγχει ενδελεχώς μία εκ των 4 βασικών λειτουργιών του Bluechain (βλέπε επόμενη ενότητα - 📕 Αναλυτική λίστα μεθόδων & μεταβλητών (Reference))

const PassportManager = artifacts.require("PassportManager");

contract("Bluechain SSI PassportManager test-suite Alpha", accounts => {
    it("should initialize a new passport linked with the current user's address", () => {
        let this_address = accounts[0];
        let this_nickname = "John Doe";
        let meta;
    return PassportManager.deployed()
        .then(instance => {
            meta = instance;
            console.log("Test1 on PassportManager address: " + meta.address);
            return meta.initPassport.call(this_nickname);
        .then(returned_tuple => {
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[0], this_nickname, "Nickname, passed and returned by PassportManager.initPassport(), should match!");
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[1], this_address, "Controller address, passed and returned by PassportManager.initPassport(), should match!");
            //If we're here, it means the previous call() has succeeded. Now,
            //let's take things up a notch and let's actually send a transaction that changes the state of the blockchain.
            //Remember: We can't check for return values with a transaction, we have to debug the tx id manually.
            //#NOTE: We passed an extra parameter here. For more info on this special parameter object, check out:
            const result = meta.initPassport.sendTransaction(this_nickname, {from: accounts[0]});
            result.on('transactionHash', (hash) => {
                console.log('TxHash', hash);
            return result;
        .then(result => {
            //#NOTE: This is a hacky solution at ensuring Ganache has had time to process the tx.
            console.log("Test 1 should've succeeded!");
    it("should successfully initialize a 2nd passport linked with accounts[1].", () => {
        let this_address = accounts[1];
        let this_nickname = "Theocharis Iordanidis";
        let meta;
    return PassportManager.deployed()
        .then(instance => {
            meta = instance;
            console.log("Test2 on PassportManager address: " + meta.address);
            return meta.initPassport.call(this_nickname, {from: accounts[1]});
        .then(returned_tuple => {
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[0], this_nickname, "Nickname, passed and returned by PassportManager.initPassport(), should match!");
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[1], this_address, "Controller address, passed and returned by PassportManager.initPassport(), should match!");
            //If we're here, it means the previous call() has succeeded. Now,
            //let's take things up a notch and let's actually send a transaction that changes the state of the blockchain.
            //Remember: We can't check for return values with a transaction, we have to debug the tx id manually.
            //#NOTE: We passed an extra parameter here. For more info on this special parameter object, check out:
            const result = meta.initPassport.sendTransaction(this_nickname, {from: accounts[1]});
            result.on('transactionHash', (hash) => {
                console.log('TxHash', hash);
            return result;
        .then(result => {
            //#NOTE: This is a hacky solution at ensuring Ganache has had time to process the tx.
            console.log("Test 2 should've succeeded!");
    it("should add an identity file sha256 hash to a controlled passport", () => {
        let this_address = accounts[0];
        let doc_hash = "0x21f3a9de43f07d855f49b946a10c30df432e8af95311435f77daf894216dcd41";
        let meta;
    return PassportManager.deployed()
        .then(instance => {
            meta = instance;
            console.log("Test3 on PassportManager address: " + meta.address);
            return meta.addIDFileToPassport.call(this_address, doc_hash);
        .then(returned_tuple => {
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[0], this_address, "Passport controller, passed and returned by PassportManager.addIDFileToPassport(), should match!");
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[1], doc_hash, "Document hash (bytes32), passed and returned by PassportManager.addIDFileToPassport(), should match!");
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[2], 1, "Trust score of newly added doc_hash should be 1!");
            //Now let's actually pass a concrete, actuallly persistent transaction instead of a call.
            const result = meta.addIDFileToPassport.sendTransaction(this_address, doc_hash, {from: accounts[0]});
            result.on('transactionHash', (hash) => {
                console.log('TxHash', hash);
            return result;
        .then(result => {
            //#NOTE: This is a hacky solution at ensuring Ganache has had time to process the tx.
            console.log("Test 3 should've succeeded!");
    it("should add +1 to the trust score of a doc in a passport", () => {
        let this_address = accounts[1];
        let passport_address = accounts[0];
        let doc_hash = "0x21f3a9de43f07d855f49b946a10c30df432e8af95311435f77daf894216dcd41";
        let meta;
    return PassportManager.deployed()
        .then(instance => {
            meta = instance;
            console.log("Test4 on PassportManager address: " + meta.address);
            return meta.voteForDocInPassport.call(passport_address, doc_hash, {from: this_address});
        .then(returned_tuple => {
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[0], passport_address, "Passport ID address, passed and returned by PassportManager.voteForDocInPassport(), should match!");
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[1], doc_hash, "Document hash (bytes32), passed and returned by PassportManager.voteForDocInPassport(), should match!");
            assert.equal(returned_tuple[2], 2, "Trust score of doc_id should have been raised to 2!");
            //Now let's actually pass a concrete, actuallly persistent transaction instead of a call.
            const result = meta.voteForDocInPassport.sendTransaction(passport_address, doc_hash, {from: this_address});
            result.on('transactionHash', (hash) => {
                console.log('TxHash', hash);
            return result;
        .then(result => {
            //#NOTE: This is a hacky solution at ensuring Ganache has had time to process the tx.
            console.log("Test 4 should've succeeded!");
  /*it("return false", () => {

Εκτέλεση της σουίτας δοκιμών (test suite)

Τρέξτε όλα τα παρόντα tests πολύ απλά, με την εντολή:

$ truffle test

Και αναμένουμε ως output τα αποτελέσματα των validity & performance tests:

$ truffle test_everything
Using network 'development'.

Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.

PassportManager contract deployed at address: 0xC6DAa380707E13829700EF40Ad7fE6f2A7297FcF

  Contract: PassportManager testsuite Alpha
Test1 on PassportManager address: 0xC6DAa380707E13829700EF40Ad7fE6f2A7297FcF
TxHash 0x550509d1fea429e23c56745d14f6790bcc5b2389dd3a55aaf85303d1ded33d05
Test 1 should've succeeded!
    ✓ should initialize a new passport linked with the current user's address (404ms)
Test2 on PassportManager address: 0xC6DAa380707E13829700EF40Ad7fE6f2A7297FcF
TxHash 0x14cfae455ddb0d6161374f43f84e72df5ba3e10e42068e0a0d150f66390df2b8
Test 2 should've succeeded!
    ✓ should successfully initialize a 2nd passport linked with accounts[1]. (223ms)
Test3 on PassportManager address: 0xC6DAa380707E13829700EF40Ad7fE6f2A7297FcF
Result {
  '0': '0x4c8C46E0269C7882A2427eF282a426eBb9716767',
  '1': '0x21f3a9de43f07d855f49b946a10c30df432e8af95311435f77daf894216dcd41',
  '2': BN {
    negative: 0,
    words: [ 1, <1 empty item> ],
    length: 1,
    red: null
TxHash 0x013ae2f108056fee7d2bc5882ea63e7a6b5f923925060029b495aad0894f9d74
Test 3 should've succeeded!
    ✓ should add an identity file sha256 hash to a controlled passport (210ms)
Test4 on PassportManager address: 0xC6DAa380707E13829700EF40Ad7fE6f2A7297FcF
Result {
  '0': '0x4c8C46E0269C7882A2427eF282a426eBb9716767',
  '1': '0x21f3a9de43f07d855f49b946a10c30df432e8af95311435f77daf894216dcd41',
  '2': BN {
    negative: 0,
    words: [ 2, <1 empty item> ],
    length: 1,
    red: null
TxHash 0x6b5031a08041859f969da7babbae59747d5bf997b00c1724920f3fdc0e3fb9e9
Test 4 should've succeeded!
    ✓ should add +1 to the trust score of a doc in a passport (158ms)

  4 passing (1s)

Η αποδοτικότητα σε χρόνο των συναλλαγών του Bluechain SSI κυμαίνεται γύρω στα ~250milliseconds και εμφανίζει ολικά ακρότατα των 425ms (κατά τις πιο "βαριές" λειτουργίες δημιουργίας νέας Ταυτότητας Χρήστη ή εισαγωγής νέων εγγράφων πιστοποίησης).

Last updated

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